2A03 PURITANS NES ALBUM by bitpuritans

Please visit their bandcamp page for a preview of all 17 chip-a-licous tracks. From their site you can give donations for the digital download, or purchase these cartridges.
- ROM creation by rainwarrior
- Custom nsf style mapper with 8Mbits of data using our INL-ROM v1 boards
- These cartridges are made with all new parts
- All copies equipped with a multi-region CIC by Jim's Cool "JCIC".
- region switchable by pressing reset on your console, saving last known good region.
Available for purchase here and on the bitpuritans bandcamp page.
REGULAR EDITION purchase includes:

- Grey cart fully labled front and back
- New black plastic dust sleeve
- No box or manual (CIB) options available
Previously there were 50 Limted Edition copies which sold out early 2014:
- Sold out no longer available
- Those copies were DIGITALLY NUMBERED 1-50 as displayed in the info screen
- Used a different case which didn't have labels on the back